Ferran Casadevall (Professor)
Campus Nord
C/Jordi Girona, 1-3
08034 Barcelona, Spain
Office: D4-108
Phone: 93 401 65 24
Email: ferranc@tsc.upc.edu
Fernando J. Casadevall received the Engineer of Telecommunication and Dr Engineering degrees from the Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya (UPC), Spain, in 1977 and 1983 respectively. He is currently Full Professor in the Signal Theory and Communications Department. After graduation he was concerned with equalisation techniques for digital fibre optic systems. He has also been working in the field of digital communications with particular emphasis on digital radio and its performance under multipath propagation conditions. In the last ten years, he has mainly been concerned with the performance analysis and development of digital mobile radio systems. In particular his research interest include cellular and personal communication system, multipath transceiver design (including Software Radio techniques), Mobility and Radio Resources Management, End to end QoS issues.
During the last ten years he participated in more than twenty research-projects founded by both public and private organisations. In particular, he participated in the research project CODIT and ATDMA in RACEII program and RAINBOW in ACTS program. In the context of the 5th European Framework Program he participated in the IST projects WINEGLAS, CAUTION++ and ARROWS, being the project Manager of the last one. Dr. Casadevall is currently the Project Manager of the STREP-IST project EVEREST and he is also participating in the Network of Excellence NEWCOM. He has published around one hundred of technical papers in both International Conferences and Magazines. From October 1992 to January 1996 was the responsible for the Information Technology Area in the National Agency for Evaluation and Forecasting (Spanish Nation Research Council).