
  • O. Sallent, J. M. Martínez-Caro, J. Baliosian, L. Diez, L. M. Contreras, J. Pérez-Romero, J. L. Gorricho, M. Richart, R. Agüero, J. Serrat, P. Pavón-Mariño, I. Vilà, Digital Twins for 6G: Fundamental theory, technology and applications - Chapter 9: An Optimization-as-a-Service platform for 6G exploiting network digital twins,2024, IET (The Institution of Engineering and Technology), ISBN-13: 978-1-83953-745-5

  • R. Ferrús, O. Sallent, Mobile Broadband Communications for Public Safety: The Road Ahead Through LTE Technology, 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., ISBN: 978-1-118-83125-0

  • O. Sallent, J. Pérez-Romero, Fundamentos de diseño y gestión de sistemas de comunicaciones móviles celulares, 2014, Iniciativa Digital Politècnica, ISBN: 978-84-9880-482-9

  • E. Bezerra-Rodrigues,F. R. M. Lima, F. Casadevall, F. Rodrigo-Cavalcanti Resource Allocation and MIMO for 4G and Beyond. Chapter 4 “Capacity, Fairness, and QoS Trade-Offs in Wireless Networks with Applications to LTE", 2013, Springer, pp: 157- 211, ISBN: 978-1-4614-8056-3 , DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4614-8057-0_4)

  • M. López-Benitez, F. Casadevall, Cognitive radio and its application for next generation cellular and wireless networks. Chapter 2 “Spectrum usage models for the analysis, design and simulation of cognitive radio networks, 2012, Springer,pp: 27- 73,ISBN: 978-94-007-1826-5

  • R. Agustí, F. Bernardo, F.Casadevall, R. Ferrús, J.Pérez-Romero, O. Sallent, LTE: Nuevas tendencias en comunicaciones móviles, 2010, Fundación Vodafone España, ISBN: 84-934740-4-5

  • J. Pérez-Romero, X. Gelabert, O. Sallent Radio resource management for heterogeneous wireless access networks, 2009, Springer, pp: 1- 33, DOI: 10.1007/978-0-387-09777-0_5, Chapter:“Heterogeneous Wireless Access Networks: Architectures and Protocols”

  • J. Pérez-Romero, O. Sallent, R. Agustí, J. Nasreddine, M. Muck, A decentralized RAT selection algorithm enabled by IEEE P1900.4, 2008, Springer, pp: 261- 277, ISBN:1876-1100, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-79041-9_14, Chapter 14: “Advances in Mobile and Wireless Communications. Views of the 16th IST Summit on Mobile and Wireless Communications"

  • R. Agustí, F. Casadevall, O. Sallent, R.FerrúsComunicaciones Móviles de Tercera Generación, 2008, pp: 315-375, ISBN: 84-931836-0-1

  • J. Pérez-Romero, O. Sallent, R. Agusti, M. Angel Diaz-GuerraRadio Resource Management Strategies in UMTS , 2005, Wiley Publishers, ISBN: 0-470-02277-9

  • R. Agusti, M. Alvarez-Campana, O. SallentElementos de Arquitectura Y Gestion de Recursos Radio en UMTS, 2005,Fundación Vodafone, ISBN: 84-933783-1-3

  • R. Ganesh, S. L. Kota, K. Pahlavan, R. Agusti Emerging Location aware Broadband Wireless Ad Hoc Networks , 2005, Springer, ISBN: 0-387-23072-6