Oriol Sallent (Catedrático)
Campus Nord
C/Jordi Girona, 1-3
08034 Barcelona, Spain
Office: D4-105
Phone: 93 401 71 97
Email: jose.oriol.sallent@upc.edu
Oriol Sallent received the Engineering and PhD degrees in Telecommunications from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) in 1994 and 1997 respectively. He joined the Escola Tècnica Superior d’Enginyeria de Telecomunicació de Barcelona (ETSETB) in 1994 as an Assistant Professor (spanish: Profesor Asociado), became Associate Professor (spanish: Profesor Titular) in 1998 and Full Professor (spanish: Catedrático) in 2011.
He received the Doctorate Award from the Telecommunication Engineer Association of Spain and Alcatel for his Ph.D. dissertation on multiple access protocols for CDMA-based systems. He also received the Doctoral Extraordinary Award granted by UPC.
He has published 300+ papers, mostly in high-impact IEEE journals and renowed international conferences. He has h-index of 36, i10-index of 122 and accumulates over 5.900 citations (source: Google Scholar).
He regularly serves as a consultant for a number of private companies.
He has participated in a wide range of european projects, mobilising a total budget of almost 180 million Euros and attracting around 7 million Euros funding for UPC. He has undertaken diverse responsibilities as Task Leader, Workpackage Leader and Coordinator. He has also been Principal Investigator for a number of national projects in the last 10 years.
He has contributed to standardisation bodies such as 3GPP, IEEE and ETSI.
He holds 2 national and 1 international patents and is co-author of 13 books. His book "Radio Resource Management Strategies in UMTS" was translated to chinese.
He has been involved in the organization of many different scientific activities, such as Conferences, Workshops, Special Issues in renowed international journals, etc. To cite a few, he was General co-Chair of the IEEE 14th Personal Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications Conference (PIMRC’04) and Technical Program co-Chair of the IEEE 69th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC’09 Spring), held in Barcelona in September 2004 and May 2009 respectively. VTC and PIMRC attracted 740 and 680 participants respectively, from over 50 different nationalities.
He has lectured Tutorial Sessions in international conferences (such as MWCN, PIMRC, EW and IST), 40+ Specialised Courses to national and international companies and Master Courses to post-graduates since 1998.
Keywords (consultancy)
- Wireless technologies and networks: UMTS/HSPA, LTE, LTE-A
- Radio resource management
- Radio network optimisation
- Self-organising networks
- Quality of Service provisioning in heterogeneous wireless networks
- Network sharing
- Spectrum sharing
- Public safety communications
- Techno-economic analysis in wireless networks
- Ultra-dense wireless networks
Keywords (research):
- 5G RAN (Radio Access Network) planning and management
- Artificial Intelligence-based radio resource management
- Virtualisation of wireless networks
- Cognitive management in cognitive radio networks
- Reconfigurable radio systems
- Dynamic spectrum access and management
- Testbeds, measurement campaigns and prototyping