Jordi Pérez-Romero(Catedrático)

Campus Nord
C/Jordi Girona, 1-3
08034 Barcelona, Spain
Office: D4-114
Phone: 93 401 71 95
Jordi Pérez-Romero received the Telecommunications Engineering degree and the Ph.D. from Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) in 1997 and 2001, respectively. He joined the Mobile Communications Research Group of the Dept. of Signal Theory and Communications of UPC in 1998, holding a Grant from the Spanish Ministry of Education, and he became Assistant Professor of UPC in 2000, Associate Professor in 2005 and Full Professor in 2018. .
His research interests are in the field of mobile and wireless communication systems, with particular focus on radio resource and QoS management, heterogeneous wireless networks, cognitive radio networks, self-organized networks and network optimization for different types of cellular systems (3G/4G/5G).
He has been involved in different European Projects with different responsibilities as researcher, WP leader and UPC project responsible. Specifically, he has participated in the 5G-PPP initiative with involvement in the Phase 1 project SESAME and the Phase 2 project 5G ESSENCE. He has also participated in different consultancy projects for private companies.
He has published more than 250 papers in international journals and conferences and has co-authored three books and contributed to 7 book chapters. He holds two international patents and has contributed to 3GPP and ETSI standardization bodies.
He is associate editor of two international journals (IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine and EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications Networks) and has been TPC in different international conferences. Besides, he participated in the organization of IEEE VTC in Spring 2009 and IEEE PIMRC 2004 international conferences, hold in Barcelona. He has also been TPC Co-chair of EuCNC conference 2014 and IEEE VTC Spring 2015 and Publications Co-Chair in IEEE WCNC 2018. Moreover, he has organized several workshops, special sessions and special issues in international conferences and journals.
During the last years he has been teaching multiple subjects at ETSETB (Escola Tècnica Superior d’Enginyeria de Telecomunicació de Barcelona) in UPC. They include “Radiocommunications” in the Degree of Engineering in Telecommunications Services and Technologies, and “5G Mobile Communications Systems”, “Advanced Mobile Communications” and “Telecommunications Systems Fundamentals” in the Master in Telecommunications Engineering. Moreover, he has been coordinator of the laboratory at the Master of Mobile Communications. He has co-supervised 6 PhD theses and more than 40 final degree projects and master thesis.
Keywords for research & consultancy:
- Wireless technologies and networks: UMTS/HSPA, LTE, LTE-A, 5G NR
- Radio resource management
- 5G RAN (Radio Access Network) planning and management
- Radio network optimisation
- Network slicing
- Self-organising networks (SON)
- Artificial Intelligence-based radio resource management
- Quality of Service provisioning in heterogeneous wireless networks
- Cognitive radio networks
- Spectrum sharing
- Dynamic spectrum access and management